Learn to Love yourself.

A baby is born with no feelings of imperfection and judgment. He/she gives a smile to all who show love to him/her. It does not hate. It makes its choices, sticks to them. AND SLEEPS PEACEFULLY. He/She was sleeping like a baby we say. But slowly as the years pass even a baby loses the capacity to sleep like a baby. Based on the messages we Accept and Give ourselves, we create beliefs and thoughts – thoughts about ourselves and others.

Just as a cricket endlessly chatters in the absolute silence of a jungle, we create noises in ourselves of likes, dislikes, insinuations, imperfections, jealousies, wants, fulfilled and unfulfilled desires. This endless noise leads to thoughts.

Thoughts that will create actions. Actions that will create reactions – desirable and undesirable.  And that will become life, pleasant or unpleasant.
Two things are very clear. We must learn to give a pause between action and reaction. Secondly, before being critical about anyone ask ourselves, what is the reality, one reality that I perceive and another of the other person? Trust me if we will start seeing the reality of the other person we will be able to forgive others very easily. Did I say forgive?  No, forgiving is also a form of ego.  Who are we to forgive others?

We will be able to accept others wholeheartedly if we are able to perceive their reality.

Ask yourself am I finding the person or the situation wrong because of my own ego, or I have a genuine concern. Am I making noise or whistleblowing out of hatred and jealousy? What is the percentage and proportion of the two elements? Tap the door of your mind, and ask are my thoughts and reactions born of ego, prejudices and personal fanaticism. If so I need to look at them again and drop them. Be watchful of what goes on in your mind. This will help to understand the situations clearly.

God has given us a terrific capacity to pause between action and reaction, stimulus and response. This pause is very useful, it gives us a chance to rethink. Rethink our reaction, rethink our words and sometimes to drop the reaction. What peace it brings.

And that is the final goal.

Live better, love yourself and love others.

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